May 1, 2023

Stella’s Initial Thoughts on Australia

When I first found out that I was accepted to the International Science School Program, a million things raced through my mind. However, the thing I was most excited about from the start is getting to meet so many intelligent students from all over the world. I love meeting people and learning about their experiences and the ISS is the perfect place to do so. For the entirety of the program, I will be surrounded by so many wonderful and educated students who will only open my eyes to new perspectives and opportunities. I’m so excited to get to know everyone there and be part of such an amazing program.

The Australian animal that I am most excited to see would have to be a koala. Since I live in the Midwest, a lot of animals that are normally at zoos, are not able to thrive in the midwestern climate. Because of this, I have never seen a koala and maybe when we get to Australia I might have a little less room in my suitcase 😉

About the author

Stella Ristic is a sophomore at Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in Aurora, Illinois with a lifelong passion for STEM, specifically astrophysics. When she is not reading or working on her studies, she is playing volleyball or tennis. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling to all different parts of the world. Her current future plans are to continue studying physics and hopefully become an astrophysicist or an aerospace engineer.

Stella Ristic

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