Imagine watching your research launch to the International Space Station...

That's the Higher Orbits Opportunity!

At Higher Orbits, we ignite more than just a passion for science and aeronautics, we launch student-led research to the International Space Station. Students engage in science design labs, with astronauts, through our Go For Launch! events hosted across the United States. There, students learn the scientific process, try on real spacesuits, and create rigorous science experiments to conduct on the International Space Station.

Ways To Support

Our Efforts In STEM

General donations allow us to grant scholarships to a wide variety of Space & STEM related programs for promising and deserving students.

Make A Donation

General donations allow us to grant scholarships to a wide variety of Space & STEM related programs for promising and deserving students.

Become A Sponsor

Corporate sponsors make it possible to host Go For Launch! events across the country, carving the way for more student-led research.

More Ways To Give

It's easier than ever to support STEM and space programs. Now, we have the ability to process donations through both Paypal and Venmo!

You can now donate stocks, cash, or securities to Higher Orbits to support of our amazing mission!

Higher Orbits has the ability to accept IRA Charitable Rollovers. 

Contact us ( and we will put you in touch with our financial advisor to assist you.