I was the super nerdy space kid growing up. I’m sure this does not come as a shock to those of you who know me personally, but to set the stage: I had Shuttle posters on my walls, could rattle off random trivia about the space programs, my bookshelves were full not only of space theme fiction, but also investigative reports and briefs, and I begged my parents to send me to any permutation of a space related summer camp possible. I couldn’t get enough.
Through all of this love for the space program, there’s one particularly inspirational flight that stands out in my memories. STS-93 in 1999 was the 95th launch of the Space Shuttle and was mission that deployed the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. While the observatory was a significant scientific impact, this is not why I can single out the flight in my mind. It stands out amongst the others because it was the first time there was a female commander at the helm under the guidance of Eileen Collins.
Up until this point my love for space had focused on the greats of the past – Glenn, Carpenter, Armstrong, Lovell, etc. These men and their stories were intangibles from the past, and while I loved that history it wasn’t something I could directly connect with. Collins’s STS-93 flight changed this and I had the opportunity to witness her make history before my eyes. I can’t put into words the spark of inspiration that cultivated as a kid.
Looking back as an adult now I have an even deeper appreciation of Collins’s career and am inspired in even more ways. She broke glass ceiling after glass ceiling and truly paved the way for others to do the same. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet her in 2012 and she’s just as inspiring in person as she is in the history books (and maybe even more so!).
As we approach National Astronaut Day on May 5th (a date chosen to coincide when the first American launched into space), I couldn’t help but take the time to reflect on how astronauts can inspire our future generations. You never know who will light the passion for STEM in a child and I’m so thankful to all the astronauts who have supported Higher Orbits over the years. All it takes it one little spark. Happy National Astronaut Day!
Written by Jenni Ginsburg – Higher Orbits Board of Directors Member