May 3, 2024

Countdown to National Astronaut Day: T-Minus 2 Days: The Inspiring Character of Astronauts

In the vast expanse of space, where the boundaries of human exploration seem limitless, there exists a breed of individuals whose character, intelligence, and dedication know no bounds. As National Astronaut Day approaches this May 5th, we honor our astronauts, the modern-day explorers of space, who exemplify unshakeable determination and unwavering commitment to their goals. Their journey extends far beyond the boundaries of Earth's atmosphere, serving as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come, especially for students who dream of reaching for the stars.

Astronauts are excellent examples of setting and expanding goals. From the moment they dedicate themselves to their career to beginning their grueling training processes to the exhilarating moments of spacewalks and scientific experiments aboard the International Space Station, they exemplify what it means to push the boundaries of human capability. But, their influence continues after their missions. Even after retiring from performing missions, astronauts continue to dedicate their time and efforts to inspire others, as our Higher Orbits Astronauts do through our Go For Launch! program. They eagerly attend events, share their experiences, and ignite the flames of passion in students, encouraging them to pursue careers in STEM fields and dream without limits.

Through my work with Higher Orbits, I have had the extraordinary privilege of seeing the effect astronauts have on students. Meeting these out-of-this-world people brings the possibility of a STEM career into reality for many kids. By meeting them, they realize that they are people just like themselves. They are people who stayed inspired, people who loved STEM, and people who worked hard. They are people of all backgrounds with varying talents and goals. As examples they push those around them to strive for their goals, to not lose courage, and to continually connect with their passion. This shining character is an invaluable part of what it means to be an astronaut.

My first Go For Launch! event was in Midland, Texas, and featured Astronaut Wendy Lawrence. I had never met an astronaut before, and I didn’t know what to expect. I knew that she would speak with students and answer questions, but I didn’t expect the down-to-earth (ironically), kind, patient, and encouraging woman that I saw in action. After speaking to the students about her experiences, Astronaut Wendy Lawrence spent every spare moment to the student’s benefit. She signed t-shirts, she laid out supplies, she spoke with students about their dreams, and she answered every question she could. Witnessing her relate to students and selflessly dedicate her time to them was a moment of learning for me. It made me fully realize the transformative power that STEM inspiration has in shaping young lives. As she engaged with students and went the extra mile for them, I saw her impact in real-time. Wendy Lawrence and the other Go For Launch! astronauts are living examples of the power of mentorship and encouragement. They fan the flames of passion within young minds, inspiring them to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

I was able to speak with Astronaut Lawrence and learn about her life. Her journey is an inspiring one. Upon graduating high school she followed in the footsteps of her naval aviator father and grandfather and attended the U.S. Naval Academy. Her determination led her to earn a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Ocean Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. But, she didn’t stop there. After graduating from the US Naval Academy as a distinguished flight school student she was appointed to be a Naval Aviator. She was one of the first two female helicopter pilots to make a long deployment to the Indian Ocean as part of a carrier battle group! During her career, she flew six different helicopters. Later, as an astronaut, Wendy Lawrence completed four space shuttle missions, STS-67, STS-86, STS-91, and STS-114. My personal takeaway from learning about her story is that you can do anything so long as you have the passion, courage, and confidence. Throughout her decision making there was a consistent focus on bettering herself. When faced with trials Astronaut Lawrence did not waver at the journey, but instead saw the potential of a great destination. She pushed toward her goals with confidence and the determination to be what she wanted, whether that was a top-tier Naval Aviator or an Astronaut.

At the heart of an astronaut’s endeavors lies a profound respect for science and its role in shaping our society. Astronauts are the bannermen of this movement, tirelessly advocating for the importance of scientific discovery and exploration. They embody the spirit of curiosity and innovation, pushing the boundaries of what we know and inspiring us to reach for new heights. The character of astronauts is one of unwavering dedication, intelligence, and perseverance. They serve as shining examples for students and individuals alike, reminding us of the power of human potential and the limitless possibilities that await us far beyond our Earth. As we look to the future, let us continue to honor and respect the contributions of these modern-day explorers, for they are the trailblazers who lead us toward a brighter tomorrow.

Happy National Astronaut Day to all of our out-of-this-world astronauts!

About the author

Jodie is a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University pursuing an undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. She has always been fascinated by space and STEM, and has been fuelled by the strong aerospace community at Embry-Riddle. This interest in STEM and a love for writing have pushed Jodie to apply these passions as a Communications Intern at Higher Orbits in 2023.

Jodie Cory

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