Zahraa’s Journey with Higher Orbits (Pre-Launch!)

Hello guys! I am Zahraa Mahmud. I participated in the Go For Launch! program in the summer of 2022, and needless to say-- it was one of the best decisions in my life.

Go For Launch has been a totally awesome experience! I got to build my leadership skills, as well as public speaking, by getting lots of practice by presenting big ideas with the rest of my team. I made new friends and strengthened ties with older ones, too.

The best part of this experience is that my team has an experiment that is actually going to space! It is definitely "out of this world!" Also the fact that I got to meet a real astronaut. It was so cool!

Our team, team Space Shell 6, has an experiment with cellular respiration yeast, and it is about to launch into space. The launch date is currently set at January 29th. I am really excited for the launch, as my team is invited to watch it go in Florida. I have been waiting for this ever since we found out that we are the champions from Michigan! It's one feeling to find out we won out of the teams in the Sault, and it's another to win out of all the teams in the state!

My journey with Higher Orbits is for sure a great one so far, and I really hope that many others get a chance to be a part of it, too.

Written By – Zahraa Mahmud

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