Dr. Tara Kulkarni

Dr. Tara Kulkarni is the Associate Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer at Norwich University (NU). She oversees all internal and extramural grant activity, research compliance activities, and the university’s five research centers. Her expertise is at the intersections of water, energy and environment with critical infrastructure and national security. She has co-authored a book on water resources, and published multiple book and report chapters, peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers and received numerous research awards since 2013.

Tara was also the founding director of Norwich University’s Center for Global Resilience and Security and led several local, statewide and national efforts in resilience and environmental security. She serves on the boards of energy and environmental nonprofits and in various leadership positions in professional engineering societies. Tara’s doctorate is from Florida State University. She is a licensed Professional Engineer with close to twenty years of experience spanning state government, environmental management consulting and academia.

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