With all the Apollo Celebrations going on with the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, it just seemed natural that Higher Orbits needed to get in on this celebration and how better to do it than with Go For Launch!?
We are excited to announce that we are partnering with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) for the Go For Launch! Apollo Series this year. We will be holding a Go For Launch! event in each of the 6 US based AIAA regions. We will pick a winning experiment from each event and then the 6 winning experiment ideas will be competed against one another for the title of Apollo Series winner and that experiment will be built and launched to the International Space Station! We plan to announce the winner at IAC2019.
So this is why you don’t see as many events as usual on the schedule (yet!) We are working to get these all scheduled along with our other events.
Are you an AIAA member who might be interested in supporting an event like this? Drop us a note. We’d love to get you involved! Email us at goforlaunch@higherorbits.org
For everyone else… stay tuned! We should be announcing all the cities and dates for this Series within the month…
Let’s celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing by launching students’ dreams to space!