In the galaxy that is my bookshelf, there exists a variety of stars, each different from the rest. These stars are hosts to different species of characters, all with different stories. Some shine brightly with tales of discovery and wonder, while others burn with the intensity of the challenges I have overcome and lessons that I have learned. With each story I explore, I step into uncharted worlds, filled with endless possibilities.
I have the heart of a reader, and the mind of an engineer. To me, every book is a portal into another dimension, an invitation to learn, dream, and create. My love for books is more than a hobby; it’s a tool for exploration, a way to traverse vast landscapes of ideas and imagination. And just as books inspire me to envision new worlds, so does science and engineering.
Ever since I was a child, it has been my dream to be an aerospace engineer. I was born in Honduras, a country that, without a space program, offered me no opportunities to follow my dreams. Even then, I would design experiments, such as manufacturing biofuel and bioplastic, dreaming of one day showcasing my scientific research to the world. However, as a young 12 year old scientist, in Honduras, my research could only get as far as winning 1st place at the Science Fair. As the 2023 Go For Launch! Series winners, the SuperNOVAs, and I, have developed an experiment that seeks to produce biodiesel in microgravity using Chlorella
Vulgaris, which is bound for the International Space Station in 2025.
Lately, it feels as if I am continuously writing the chapters of my story as I wake up every morning and accomplish things that little Valentina could only dream of. Each day feels like a new sentence in a novel I’ve been crafting in my mind since I first looked up at the stars and dared to dream. Higher Orbits has given me the chance to publish the dreams that were born in Honduras, and turned them into a reality beyond anything I could have ever envisioned as a child.
Attending the Sci-Tech Conference next week feels like cracking open a brand-new book, one filled with the promise of knowledge, discovery, and inspiration. Sci-Tech is a story I can’t wait to dive into, with its chapters unfolding through panels, discussions, and exhibits showcasing cutting-edge advancements. Each speaker is like an author, penning the narrative of our collective future, while each innovation is a plot twist that challenges the way we think and solve problems. Through my experiences at the conference, I hope to collect stories that I can add to my own galaxy of knowledge. Just as I once used to get lost in tales of space exploration, daring
inventors, and technological models, I now get to witness these ideas materialize. It’s a reminder that every breakthrough began as a dream, much like the stories I grew up reading.
I believe that the future is written not just with algorithms and equations, but also with curiosity and creativity. At Sci-Tech, I’ll step into a living story, one where I’m not just a reader but also a contributor. I’ll meet engineers, scientists, and innovators who share my passion for discovery, and together, we’ll shape the plot of what comes next. I know this chapter will be filled with wonder, and I can’t wait to see how it unfolds. For me, this conference is more than just an event, it’s a milestone, a chance to honor the dreams of my younger self, and prove that the stories we dream of as children can one day become the lives we lead.
P.S. Yes, the Saturn V is one of my favorite space vehicles! 😉
Written by Stellar Student Valentina Guillen