How attending the 2025 AIAA Sci-Tech Conference with Higher Orbits Inspired My Next Chapter.
Some books take us on far away journeys, and some journeys feel like they belong in a book.
Attending the 2025 AIAA Sci-Tech Conference as a student ambassador of Higher Orbits was a story that became a new chapter in my Higher Orbits book, located in my personal library of experiences.
The Plot Unfolds…
Every great story needs memorable characters, and this conference definitely delivered in that aspect. From industry legends, to peers who share my love of space, I was surrounded by incredible people who enriched my experience. I met professional leaders, like the AIAA Associate Fellows, who shared advice and stories that motivated me to aim higher. My fellow SpaceSiblings were equally inspiring, driven, curious, and passionate about space. Overall, connecting with these individuals reminded me of the importance of collaboration, a hallmark of both storytelling and space exploration.
The Atmosphere…
Each panel session was like learning of a book I didn’t even know I needed to read. The insights shared were an eye-opening experience, revealing the intricacies of aerospace innovation and industry challenges. From Martian Architecture to the latest innovations in Generative AI, these panel sessions inspired me beyond measure. However, the highlight of my first day of the conference was dinner time, when I had the chance to meet and talk with some of my Space Siblings — Abi Youngker, Autumn Pepper Rhodes, Brianna Ortiz, Andrew Stubbs, and Daniel Dejong!!
Exploring the Expo Hall felt like wandering through a library of possibilities! I learned about new companies, discovered opportunities available to undergraduate students, and, of course, picked up some cool swag as mementos of my journey!! And, at dinner time, we enjoyed laughter, queso, and space talk!!
Speaking on a panel with other SpaceKids, along with SpaceMom, was a chance to share a chapter of my own story. I talked about my experience with Higher Orbits and how it has tremendously shaped my life, while also diving into the current challenges we are facing in the aerospace industry as young professionals. It was humbling and empowering to add my voice to the conversation of the future of the aerospace industry!!
Attending the Induction Dinner for the Class of 2025 Associate Fellows of AIAA was like reading the biographies of legends; except, I happened to be sitting among them. Over dinner with these out-of-this-world people, I gained invaluable advice and connected with incredible people who only continue to inspire me. Additionally, I had the pleasure of sitting at a table with fellow Florida Tech Panthers — Susie C. Allen-Sierpinski, Mission Integration Engineer at NASA KSC, Paul Sierpinski, Artemis II Recovery Lead NASA Test Director, Dr. James Stanley, Engineering Analyst at NASA , Damian S. Harasiuk, and Dr. Sunil Chintalapati, Co-Founder and Chief Product Office of Boston Geospatial — it was an incredible moment to be able to geek out about our university and share common experiences with each other!! ❤️🐾 Watching the inductees walk across the stage to receive one of the highest honors one can attain within AIAA solidified my goal: I’ll be one of them one day.
Tagging along the AIAA Rising Leaders in Aerospace for a visit to the Kennedy Space Center was one of the highlights of my trip. It felt like stepping into a history book, one I have loved since childhood and one that originally inspired me to become an aerospace engineer. This was an adventure that reignited my excitement for space exploration, and also reminded me of the path ahead. Practically, I was a little kid jumping up and down with joy!!
Lessons between the lines
If there was any conflict in this chapter, it was this: I couldn’t split myself into multiple Valentinas to experience every single session, talk to everyone I wanted to, and visit every corner of the event. Every panel I attended left me wanting more, every conversation sparked new ideas, and every experience felt like the best kind of ‘problem’ to have. From exploring the expo hall to speaking on a panel, there was so much awesome-ness happening that it is impossible to fit it all in one story. But, in my reflection this past week, I’ve learned that maybe that’s the beauty of it…there’s always more to explore and learn, not only in the aerospace industry, but in every aspect of life, and that’s a theme I’ll always carry with me.
Writing the next chapter
This conference was a pivotal turning point in my story. The experiences I had, the people I met, and the lessons I learned will shape how I approach the next steps in my journey. My future as an aerospace engineer now feels even more grounded in purpose and possibility. Hearing from the AIAA Associate Fellows and industry professionals gave me a clearer vision of where I want to be someday — not just a participant in these events, but a leader helping to inspire the next generation. Speaking on a panel at the Hub gave me the confidence to continue sharing my voice, knowing that my experiences and ideas can make a difference. And, of course, one of the most meaningful parts of this experience was connecting with my SpaceSiblings. Every conversation with them reminded me of the power of community; the way we support, inspire, and challenge one another to be better. Seeing their achievements makes me so proud to be part of a network where success is collective, not individual; a network where we celebrate each other’s wins, lift each other up during challenges, and constantly build on each other’s ideas.
Moving forward, I plan to build on what I’ve learned and the connections I’ve strengthened. I want to continue contributing to Higher Orbits, inspire other students to explore STEM, and work toward solutions for the challenges we discussed, both on Earth and in space.
Finally, as I close the chapter on the 2025 AIAA Sci-Tech Conference, I’m grateful to Higher Orbits for having given me a story worth telling and lessons that I’ll carry with me forever. My library of experiences keeps growing richer, and I cannot wait to see what the next page holds. This chapter, especially, is one I’ll revisit often as I continue writing my story in the stars! 🌟
Until next time,
Written by Stellar Student Valentina Guillen