Go For Launch!

Winning experiments are launched to the International Space Station to be conducted in space by real astronauts!

Welcome To

Higher Orbits

Higher Orbits is a non-profit with the mission of promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM); along with leadership, teamwork, and communication through the use of spaceflight. Mankind’s journey into space serves as an ideal launchpad to excite students of all ages about STEM/STEAM and working to fulfill their dreams and ambitions while also building teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.

Discover Our Latest Articles

For those of you who were paying ...

Space Unicorns in The Soo

From July 30th to August 1st, I ...

Kaley’s ASCEND Experience

I indulged in an amazing experience at ...

Stella’s ASCEND experience


General donations allow us to grant scholarships to a wide variety of Space & STEM related programs for promising and deserving students.

You can donate in any amount using a credit card or your PayPal account.

Higher Orbits Success

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Experiments Sent To Space


Number of Students Participated



Future Go For Launch! Events