Blog post from Operation Galaxy X team member – Savar

Thrilled to bring you another blog post from one of the students whose experiment is launching on OA-8. This one is from Savar who is one of the team members of Operation Galaxy X who was the winner of the AIAA Middle School Division.

I found out about Go For Launch from my friends dad. I had a conflict with a Boy Scout campout but I decided in favor of Go for Launch as the whole concept was so appealing . Now I know how life changing that one decision was for me. I had lots of fun on the first day and played fuze ball during lunch. We choose our team and 4 of us were a great cohesive team onwards. We had lots of small team building challenges and also learned a lot about engineering, rocketry, and space throughout all three days. Learning about space, science and engineering from astronauts , aerospace scientist, and engineers was wonderful. I am so thankful that they spent their precious time with us and shared their experiences. It was hard to come up with a good experiment but my love for animals and newly refined persuasive skills I acquired at one of the communication lessons on the first day got us all on board for the life cycle of a biotic organism in space experiment idea. As a team we all agreed on mealworms after finding out some interesting facts such as mealworms can produce their own water and their life cycle duration matched the duration of the experiment. On the last day of the seminar when they were announcing the winner I was so nervous until I heard the name Operation Galexy X. A week later I learnt via the Facebook announcement that our experiment was finally chosen to go for launch. It was so exciting that I was jumping up and down. Go For Launch was one of my greatest life experiences so far and I can’t wait to watch the rocket launch.
-Savar Shrivastava


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