Higher Orbits

Siri’s CRS-30 Launch Experience (Team Space Shell 6)

The launch was amazing and an experience I will never forget. It was my first time watching a rocket launch in real time and just when you expected it to stop, it keeps on going up until you can’t see it anymore.

The first night we were in Florida we had dinner at the SpaceBar. All of the teams that also had their experiment going into space were there, and it was nice getting to meet them. We also got to meet Liam Kennedy and astronaut Wendy Lawrence. Wendy Lawrence was the first woman to graduate from the United States Naval Academy to go into space and Liam Kennedy invented ISS-ABOVE, which tracks the ISS from Earth. Both were very interesting and I was glad they talked to us.

The actual launch day we all met at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. We got to look around there for a little bit and then we boarded a bus to go to the NASA official viewing site. It was from there that we watched the launch. We were right next to the big NASA building and it was awesome! We not only got to see the launch but a landing too. It was almost as cool as the launch. I am so happy and grateful that we got to go to Florida and watch the rocket that held our experiment go into space.

Thank you Higher Orbits and GoForLaunch! for this experience! It is such a wonderful organization and I am very grateful.

Written by Siri Olson

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