Higher Orbits

Speaking From Their Hearts: Fargo Civic Center Welcomes TEDxFargo

FARGO, N.D.– The Fargo Civic Center hosted an event for those with an open mind.

200 volunteers spent Thursday prepping for TEDxFargo, an event where thought provoking speakers take center stage.

“A lot of work went into this,” Michelle Lucas TEDxFargo Speaker said. “More than I think any talk I’ve given in my entire life.”

The event had 23 local, national, and global speakers. Their mission was to convey a topic of their interest to an audience of strangers, and they only had 12 minutes to do it.

“This is a much more prepared thing and there’s a clock telling you, hey hold on, speed up, keep going, so I am nervous for perhaps the first time,” Lucas said. “It’s actually been empowering talking to my students because I’m like hey you get nervous? That’s okay I’m nervous too.”

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